Project owner's name :
Mr Mohammad Mohammad Sameh
Mr Mohammad Mohammad Sameh
Country of deployment for the project :
Sector :
What problem does your company want to solve? :
Difficulty marketing agricultural products & Lack of multiple selling options for farms
Difficulty marketing agricultural products & Lack of multiple selling options for farms
What solution does your company provide? :
Market place to connect merchant and farmer A driven database to classify products and determine the target market, and works on price differentiation
Market place to connect merchant and farmer A driven database to classify products and determine the target market, and works on price differentiation
Describe your project :
Khudra Connect is a platform specialized in analyzing agricultural data and providing guidance to farmers in determining the type and type of products that should be grown.
Khudra Connect is a platform specialized in analyzing agricultural data and providing guidance to farmers in determining the type and type of products that should be grown.