
Interested in applying to the Orange Social Venture Prize in Africa and the Middle East? You’re in the right place.

To find out general information about the prize, how we support it, previous winners, and the 2024 competition, please visit our dedicated page on orange.com.

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Participating conditions

Before starting, please read the Ts and Cs.

Applications open from March 18 to June 2, 2024.

Individual: you must be 21 or older on the competition’s launch date.

Legal entity: your company must have been operating for less than 3 years on the competition’s launch date.

Your project must be up and running in one of Orange’s 17 countries in Africa and the Middle East:

  • Botswana,
  • Burkina Faso,
  • Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire,
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo,
  • Egypt, Equatorial Guinea,
  • Guinea Bissau,
  • Guinea Conakry,
  • Jordan,
  • Liberia,
  • Madagascar,
  • Mali,
  • Morocco,
  • Central African Republic,
  • Senegal,
  • Sierra Leone,
  • Tunisia.

Your business idea is based on an innovative solution that uses ICT to contribute to meet the needs of people living in Africa and/or the Middle East.

How to Submit Your Application?

1. Go to Login to create your account

2. Go to Submit Your Application to complete the registration form after carefully reading the recommendations

Creating an account

Before you register, you’ll first need to create an account and provide:

  • Your first name/last name
  • Your address
  • Your email address
  • Your company’s email address
  • Your phone number (optional).

You’ll receive a password by email which you can later change in your account. Once you’ve created your account, you will no longer be able to change your name, surname, or email address.

Preparing the documents to complete your registration

Project logo: the graphic representation of your project or company.

This is not mandatory, but we recommend you provide a logo that is easy to identify to help you stand out. 

Required format:

✓ jpg, png, gif

✓ 150x150px

✓ 200 KB max

2/ Project overview: this enables our selection committees to understand your business idea along with its level of maturity and progress. It also tells them more about the motivation and skills of the project lead.

Required format:


✓ 10 MB max

The file name of your presentation must be exactly the same as the name of the project mentioned in the first field of the entry form.

Presenting your project

✓ Summary presentation of the Project: between 1,000 and 2,000 characters, outlining the social/environmental your ICT solution will address.

✓ Market analysis: segmentation, SWOT, competition, partners (financial, strategic etc.).

✓ Identification of the market opportunity.

✓ Presentation of the product/service proposed.

✓ Information about the management team.

✓ Financial forecasts for three (3) years (business plan).

✓ Evaluation of the societal impact. In addition, for the International Women’s Prize, an assessment of how your ICT solution will positively impact women.

Feel free to include a link to a video if you have one to support your presentation.

What problem does your company wish to solve?

Present the social and/or environmental problem that you wish to address through your ICT solution (maximum 200 characters).

What solution does your company provide?

Here you will describe the solution you’re developing (maximum 200 characters). Write it in such a way that you engage your audience and stand out from the competition.

Describe your project

For this vital step, the challenge is to convince your audience that your project is essential (1000 to 1,500 characters). Show that this project is groundbreaking and leading your field.

Your registration form:

✓ 2 pages: “Identity” (page 1) and “Project description” (page 2)

✓ Required fields are marked with *

✓ Drop-down menu for fields: “Country of Deployment” and “Sector”.

You have until the closing date (2 June, 2024) to modify the information shared on your application as well as your application file.

You can also save the form and complete it later by clicking on the “save” button. Next time you log in, you can pick up where you left off.

✓ By taking part, you agree to fill in all the necessary details within the application form so your entry can be verified, and you can be contacted if your project is selected.

✓ Your application will not be validated if it contains inappropriate text or images. 

Any incomplete, erroneous, false, counterfeit, or fraudulent application will be deleted, and you will be disqualified from the competition.

Application ready to submit?

Click on the “Submit my application” button.

Once you have submitted your application, you will see a summary page. If you need to make any further changes, you must delete the entire application and begin the process again.

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