Logo :
Project owner's name :
Mrs Sheriff Georgette
Mrs Sheriff Georgette
Country of deployment for the project :
Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone
Sector :
What problem does your company want to solve? :
Women entrepreneurs and service providers in Sierra Leone lacks a central platform where women can showcase their goods or services they offer. Hence there’s limited market audience, and visibility.
Women entrepreneurs and service providers in Sierra Leone lacks a central platform where women can showcase their goods or services they offer. Hence there’s limited market audience, and visibility.
What solution does your company provide? :
FemmeTrade app aims to make marketing of goods and services for women entrepreneurs easier and convenient.
FemmeTrade app aims to make marketing of goods and services for women entrepreneurs easier and convenient.
Describe your project :
FemmeTrade is an online marketplace that is both a website and a mobile application that aims to make marketing easier for women across Sierra Leone and beyond. On this platform, both users and entrepreneurs have access to create a profile. FemmeTrade requires every user to firstly create a profile according to their use of this platform. It is equipped with various categories or sub folder that displays the list of goods or services offered; from clothing, food, babysitting, tailoring etc. Women entrepreneurs can create a profile which displays to their goods and/or services they offer, their address or location, the price range of their goods or services, a messaging chat box etc. FemmeTrade caters for online payment of goods and services on its platform.
FemmeTrade is an online marketplace that is both a website and a mobile application that aims to make marketing easier for women across Sierra Leone and beyond. On this platform, both users and entrepreneurs have access to create a profile. FemmeTrade requires every user to firstly create a profile according to their use of this platform. It is equipped with various categories or sub folder that displays the list of goods or services offered; from clothing, food, babysitting, tailoring etc. Women entrepreneurs can create a profile which displays to their goods and/or services they offer, their address or location, the price range of their goods or services, a messaging chat box etc. FemmeTrade caters for online payment of goods and services on its platform.