
Logo :
Project owner's name :
Mr Dauda Emmanuel Sahr
Country of deployment for the project :
Sierra Leone
Sector :
What problem does your company want to solve? :
Amongst many others include: 1. Data Loss 2. Information Tampering 3. Lack of Security 4. A Little or No Communication Between the MBSSE, Schools, and Parents.
What solution does your company provide? :
SchoolTech aims to address these problems by creating a centralised database that records, stores and process school related information across schools in the country.
Describe your project :
SchoolTech is a School Management Information System that collects, stores and processes school information. SchoolTech is designed to help solve some of the problems faced by the Educational Sector which inherently uses a Paper-based system to store and manage school data. This system aims meet the requirements of a number of SDGs like:​ SDG 4: Quality Education; as its main aim is to provide quality education in Sierra Leone. SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth; as it will help provide jobs for qualified individuals. SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure; as it contributes to the advancement in the education infrastructure. SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions; as it supports transparency, accountability, and efficiency in educational institutions.​
Presentation video :