Logo :
Nom du porteur du projet :
Mme Kemo Mbouyom Audrey Xaviera
Pays de déploiement du projet :
Secteur :
Quel problème votre entreprise veut-elle résoudre ? :
We are primarily addressing the problem of violence against women. Violence against women is a pervasive and deeply rooted issue that affects individuals across cultures and societies.
Quelle solution apporte votre entreprise ? :
The digital solution “SAFE HAVEN” we offer in a form of a mobile app with an IOT wearable device, aims to address the pervasive issue of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) especially towards women and girls.
Décrivez votre projet :
The digital solution “SAFE HAVEN” we offer in a form of a mobile app with an IOT wearable device, aims to address the pervasive issue of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) especially towards women and girls.GBV affects millions of individuals worldwide especially in our country Cameroon, leading to severe physical, emotional, and psychological harm. This solution seeks to provide a comprehensive solution that tackles this problem by empowering women, promoting their safety, and facilitating access to support resources. Through anonymous incident reporting, educational resources, reminders, hotline assistance, community chat forums and an artificail intelligence chatbot, and an IOT wearable device, we are working towards mitigating the impact of violence, raising awareness, and creating a supportive environment for women. Our ultimate goal is to contribute to the eradication of violence against women and promote a society where women can live free from fear and abuse.
Vidéo de présentation :