Logo :
Project owner's name :
Mrs Kanu Mariatu Gbassay
Mrs Kanu Mariatu Gbassay
Country of deployment for the project :
Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone
Sector :
What problem does your company want to solve? :
Reaching adolescent age, conservative socio-cultural norms and taboos have affected adolescent girls from accessing sexual and reproductive health related information in developing countries due to si
Reaching adolescent age, conservative socio-cultural norms and taboos have affected adolescent girls from accessing sexual and reproductive health related information in developing countries due to si
What solution does your company provide? :
We are building a community using technology and technology is important because it connect information quickly. In the community/Platform. We cater for every one the young girls, NGOs, Community
We are building a community using technology and technology is important because it connect information quickly. In the community/Platform. We cater for every one the young girls, NGOs, Community
Describe your project :
We have being at the edge of supporting girls health for over two years, meaning we understands there problems, For this reasons we are working on a Community/app that include short videos on menstrual health, how girls can track their periods, Nutritional diet during periods, access to our my first period and a guide to menstrual health, how they can pay from anywhere and get our product Post short videos on the platform on how our product can be use and another related information around the pad Access short videos on health tips A seeking help form for your health and meet with a health practitioner at your time The community/platform would also serve a reservoir for menstrual health information for NGOs to post there materials and girls can easily access them and interact with them
We have being at the edge of supporting girls health for over two years, meaning we understands there problems, For this reasons we are working on a Community/app that include short videos on menstrual health, how girls can track their periods, Nutritional diet during periods, access to our my first period and a guide to menstrual health, how they can pay from anywhere and get our product Post short videos on the platform on how our product can be use and another related information around the pad Access short videos on health tips A seeking help form for your health and meet with a health practitioner at your time The community/platform would also serve a reservoir for menstrual health information for NGOs to post there materials and girls can easily access them and interact with them