The Digital Farm-to-market Platform (DF2MP).

Logo :
Project owner's name :
Mr Paye Emmett
Country of deployment for the project :
Sector :
What problem does your company want to solve? :
The overall problem that our company wants to solve is the issue of farm-to-market access for local farmers (who are predominately women) in rural communities.
What solution does your company provide? :
To create market access for farmers who are in rural communities of Liberia. Innovation is to build a platform that optimizes the supply chain and information to farmers, producers, and consumers.
Describe your project :
Farm to market access is a serious challenge for local farmers in Liberia. As a company that intends to produce nutritional food products in Liberia and beyond having a robust supply chain system will be so rewarding for farmers, producers, and consumers. That is why we intend to change the narrative for local farmers in Liberia. It is proven in Liberia that the agriculture sector, women play a significant role. Women make up about 80% of the agricultural labor force and are responsible for 93% of food crop production. Despite that, women face challenges in getting their crops and farm produce to the market, agricultural in and smart and sustainable farming, and financing, among others. As a business, we are intentional about providing the needed resources such as providing farmers with real-time information on weather forecasts, market prices, pest outbreaks, and best agricultural practices. For us, it pleases us that the livelihood of local farmers will be improved and for us a company our supply chain will increase production. Our project is proposing a solution that creates more opportunities for local farmers who are predominately women, producers, and consumers through the optimization of supply chain and easy market access to increase productivity. We want to build an App or a platform that creates easy access for farmers, producers, and consumers and information on market prices, weather, pest outbreaks, new technologies, and best agricultural practices in rea